About Our Commons Foundation

The purpose of Our Commons Foundation is to contribute to securing the future of our planet for future generations, stop climate change, and accelerate the transition to a sustainable society by promoting sustainable initiatives, educating the public, and influencing decision-makers.

Our Commons Foundation is newly registered a Swedish non-profit, subject to supervision by the authorities under Swedish law, and shall operate in accordance with Swedish legislation to promote its purpose and be of public benefit.

In light of the growing need to promptly combat climate change and promote sustainable development, and with the conviction that a collective effort is required to achieve these goals, we decided decide to establish Our Commons Foundation - to accelerate the transition to a sustainable society.


Our Commons Foundation is the organisation behind Open Sustainability Index - a global open source sustainability data platform.


Our Commons Foundation was instituted by Petter Palander, founder of The Climate Action Agency.


Founding board members:

◼︎ Petter Palander, chairman

◼︎ Katarina Wangler Björk, board member

◼︎ Tom Söderlund, board member