In light of the growing need to promptly combat climate change and promote sustainable development, and with the conviction that a collective effort is required to achieve these goals, we’ve decided to establish Our Commons Foundation - a non governmental, non-profit, organization based in Sweden.

Sustaining our commons


Sustaining our commons implies a collective responsibility and efforts to preserve and manage our shared resources for the well-being of everyone involved.

Our commons are not only valuable but also interconnected, and their sustainability is essential for the health and prosperity of communities and ecosystems.

We need to preserve our commons, for coming generations.


The purpose of Our Commons Foundation is to contribute to securing the future of our planet for future generations, promoting sustainable initiatives, educating and informing the public, and influencing decision-makers to accelerate the transition to a sustainable society.

Education. Campaigns.  Events.


Our Commons Foundation’s activities will be conducted through education, campaigns, events, and other activities that promote sustainable development and climate measures.

Our Commons Foundation conducts its activities internationally in accordance with its purpose and applicable laws and regulations. The foundation shall conduct its activities with the funds provided by the founders at the establishment of the foundation and with any additional funds obtained through fundraising, donations, and contributions or otherwise.